So, in my life, I've realized that I have a tendency to come up with a bunch of crazy awesome ideas I wish to pursue, but I always end up pushing them to the wayside in order to accomplish more mundane, safe things. I don't like this. If I can't do the things I want to do now, when I'm young and have nothing to lose, how can I hope to stand up for myself and accomplish them when I'm older? I don't want to be afraid to try new things, or to do things on my own. So, I've taken up a project inspired/modeled after that of my dear sister (Nicole). "101 things to do in 1001 days". I've got until January 27th, 2015 to accomplish my list, and I've completed 5 of my goals so far. :D Some of them are a bit ridiculous. Some practical. But, by writing them down, I've found that I always have something to work towards, and I feel better about myself. I won't share my actual list here because some of the goals are of a very personal nature, but I will say that one of them is to inspire another person to write such a list. Which is why I'm broadcasting the fact that I'm doing it here (and in as many forums as I can where I won't feel like a nuisance). Here are some of the things I've accomplished so far. :)
Recorded an audiobook:
Recreated a masterpiece on the Driveway:
I've also designed and sewed myself a dress, reached level 30 in all Runescape skills, and told someone how I felt even if it was going to be uncomfortable and/or awkward. So... So far, so good!! :D