“It was a pleasant cafe, warm and clean and friendly, and I hung up my old water-proof on the coat rack to dry and put my worn and weathered felt hat on the rack above the bench and ordered a cafe au lait. The waiter brought it and I took out a notebook from the pocket of the coat and a pencil and started to write"

~Ernest Hemingway~

Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Future of Books

Karolyn! Check this out! Doesn't it remind you of what we were discussing yesterday? :|


  1. Is it wrong that I think this is kind of cool?

  2. That's really cool! It's an altered book...

    I read an interview recently where a book conservator said: "Physical books survive now in only two ways: as cheap and disposable carriers of information and experience, and as artistic objects divorced from that traditional role." Link: http://blog.pshares.org/index.php/people-of-the-book-james-reid-cunningham/ ... it's a little bit of an overstatement, but he's making the case that books are becoming an outdated technology.

  3. Hmmm... I do find this to be a very intriguing image. And I think the quote Caroline has posted adds another layer to what we see. Very intriguing indeedy. I wouldn't mind having a computer that looks like that!! But, I don't think they could replace books altogether. Granted, my parents and my sister's family have all upgraded to kindles/nooks, so perhaps I'm wrong. ;P Reema, I'll be honest, I can't remember the conversation we were having about this. Was it regarding that one book we read that one time? (vague--sorry about that >.<)
