“It was a pleasant cafe, warm and clean and friendly, and I hung up my old water-proof on the coat rack to dry and put my worn and weathered felt hat on the rack above the bench and ordered a cafe au lait. The waiter brought it and I took out a notebook from the pocket of the coat and a pencil and started to write"

~Ernest Hemingway~

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Friday, August 24, 2012


I mentioned this 'booktuber' tonight with Karolyn and Nicole, so I thought I'd post her most recent video here. I can't sleep because I drank coffee so I could stay awake with Karolyn and Nicole. I didn't expect I would still be awake... >.<

Currently Reading

I come to this again and again <3

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Ebru art

It seems I'm very much into fine art lately (I'm also becoming slightly obsessed with Turkish culture) ^_^ I just stumbled upon this and found it to be so beautiful that I had to share. I have to try this sometime!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Little Free Libraries

I wanted to this for myself, but my parents were not on board, so instead I will share pictures with you that make me envious: http://www.littlefreelibrary.org/

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

101 Things to Do in 1001 Days

So, in my life, I've realized that I have a tendency to come up with a bunch of crazy awesome ideas I wish to pursue, but I always end up pushing them to the wayside in order to accomplish more mundane, safe things. I don't like this. If I can't do the things I want to do now, when I'm young and have nothing to lose, how can I hope to stand up for myself and accomplish them when I'm older? I don't want to be afraid to try new things, or to do things on my own. So, I've taken up a project inspired/modeled after that of my dear sister (Nicole). "101 things to do in 1001 days". I've got until January 27th, 2015 to accomplish my list, and I've completed 5 of my goals so far. :D Some of them are a bit ridiculous. Some practical. But, by writing them down, I've found that I always have something to work towards, and I feel better about myself. I won't share my actual list here because some of the goals are of a very personal nature, but I will say that one of them is to inspire another person to write such a list. Which is why I'm broadcasting the fact that I'm doing it here (and in as many forums as I can where I won't feel like a nuisance). Here are some of the things I've accomplished so far. :)

Recorded an audiobook:

Recreated a masterpiece on the Driveway:

I've also designed and sewed myself a dress, reached level 30 in all Runescape skills, and told someone how I felt even if it was going to be uncomfortable and/or awkward. So... So far, so good!! :D

Ruin Porn

I was talking on the phone w/ Kelsey last week when she informed me that, as a summer RA, she was using Ruin Porn to create door decorations for her residents. Not having heard of ruin porn before, my mind immediately latched onto the word 'porn', and I was uh...pretty scandalized to say the least and fairly concerned about the status of her mental wellbeing in using it to welcome her fellow students. But then, we got together later that day, and Kelsey showed me just what it was. And, I love it. So, here is an article  about it. Also, the guy from the article's website is phenomenal, so I've listed that link below as well. :) Have you guys heard of ruin porn before? Lemme know what you think!! 



Guy's Website:


Also, Vlog Brothers:


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Raw Foodism

Hey Karolyn, you seemed curious about this, so here are some links!
David Wolfe
We Like it Raw
FoodMatters - This documentary is on Netflix. I'd love for you to watch it with me <3

Michael Kimmel

Hey Lyn and Nicole, here's a clip of Michael Kimmel. I really think you would have enjoyed him. The room was OVERFLOWING with people. Really. And then there was a firedrill, and a lot of people left, but the room was still full! He's very popular at my school. I think this was his 6th time here.

Caine's Arcade

Playing at Painting

By the way, this is the 'Ballad of the Hanged' painting I mentioned. I just saw that Line asked to see it, so voila. Sorry for the late response!! <3


Sunday, April 8, 2012


Hey!! So, this morning I had a fairly interesting dream. I was searching for where I parked my car--not out of the ordinary for me. I was searching through the woods and ended up passing an outdoor store found smack dab in the middle of nature. It was a familiar building, so I knew that I was headed in the right direction. However, the only other recollection I had that even hinted to the location of the car was that I had parked it in a parallel world, in another dimension. And, of course, I didn't know how to get back to that separate world, but I kept searching anyway. That was the extent of the dream. So, in honor of strange dreams, I thought I would post this lovely link because I've always enjoyed dream interpretation and analysis. Has anyone else had an interesting dream lately??

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Casablanca, Morocco

Found this picture that one of my friends took in Morocco... The tower is the minaret of the Hassan II mosque in Casablanca. I have heard that the laser points in the direction of Mecca. Perhaps Veritas knows something more about the details...

I got to tour the inside, and it is incredible... there are no words. I was astounded by the size, beauty and the ideas in that structure.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Topographic Map Book

Dear Bloggies:

I thought I would share with you this project that I finished last week....
I have been working on this for a while now... it is a topographic map-book of Crater Lake (in Oregon), the deepest lake in the USA. The vertical scale is the same as the horizontal scale, making it a scale model of the lake.

Cover sheets are a thick paper. I used a Japanese stab binding with hemp string.

Page 1: 

Tan page attached to the back cover flips out to the right... 

Page 3: 
 Contours cut out of the pages and painted w/ a blue enamel paint...

Page that flips to the right... can you read it??

More views of the rest of the book: 

Deepest point...

Back page explains more about the map... 

I'm pretty happy with it!


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Contemporary Dance

Bonjour tout le monde!! So, a friend posted this video on their facebook a while back, and I appreciated it quite a bit. Thus, I've decided to share it with y'all (I can say that now because I live in the south--y'all, y'all, y'all. Win. ;P) It is a piece of contemporary dancing that I found to be very moving. Gotta love self-expression!! ;) Beautiful.


Saturday, March 17, 2012

New Laptop for Me!

Hi all!

My new computer makes me fully internet-functional now (as I have not been in weeks, eek)... Not that I mind absence of the internet, it's just really hard to do homework.. and to connect to you lovely folks.

Poke me if you don't hear from me enough.

Blue Skies,

Thursday, March 8, 2012

No Greater Joy


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The World in a Suitcase

So here is a link to Jared's thesis. I haven't read it, but I found it while doing some research and thought it might be nice to read when we finish the collection up. I also thought it might be nice of us each to leave a little review on amazon for him when we finish (:

I look forward to discussing with you all on Sunday, and if there is anything that you forget to say or would like us to think about for future discussions, comment here!

Ballad of the Hanged

Sooo.... I recently used my favorite French poem in one of my paintings. I mentioned it to Reema once upon a skype-date and thought I would share it here as well since it touches upon a number of interesting themes. If you'd like to see the original French you can find it with this link:


Otherwise, here it is. The Ballad of the Hanged by Francois Villon:

Brothers, men who live after us,
Let not your hearts be hardened against us,
Because, if you have pity for us poor men,
God will have more mercy toward you.
You see us here attached five or six:
When our flesh that was nourished so well
Is over time devoured and putrified,
And we, the bones, have become cinders and powder.
Let no one laugh at our misfortune:
But pray that God absolve us all!

If we call you, brothers, you ought not
To have disdain even though we were killed
By law. Often, you know
That not all men have a righteous mind;
Excuse us, now that we have passed,
Toward the son of the Virgin Mary,
That her grace will not be slow for us,
Preserving us from the infernal fire.
We are dead, no soul harries us;
But pray that God absolve us all!

The rain has washed and purified us,
And the sun has dried and blackened us:
Magpies, crows have dug out our eyes
And pulled out our beards and eyebrows.
Never do we have rest;
The changeable wind blows us first this way, then that,
To its pleasure without ceasing,
Our skin has more bird peckings than if it were sewed.
Do not leave our company then;
But pray that God absolve us all!

Prince Jesus, who is lord of all,
Keep us from the tyranny of Hell:
Let the Devil have no claim over us
Men, make no mockery here;
But pray that God absolve us all!

I know that I'm more spiritual than religious, but this poem really speaks to me. What are your thoughts?

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


One of my friends who is pursuing art at St. Norbs sent me this link, and I found it very interesting. I've discussed food and the dining experience in relation to relationships/communications with Kelsey in the recent past, but this exhibit at an art museum in Chi-town takes it a step farther. I feel as though I would like to try out this concept--making a meal a sort of performance art, making it memorable and enlightening. I think this face-to-face connection is often lacking in modern society, and I'd like to change that-- at least in my own life.


-the link for videos is at the bottom of the page & these are particularly awesome. They do an excellent job of showing the diversity of radical hospitality projects.
Hey, my brother sent me this link today. Basically, this artist creates these sculptures and then submerges them into the ocean where they eventually become a part of the landscape! Isn't it amazing (and slightly eerie, too)?!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Nicole and I started volunteering at Hands Across the World together :) I'll share some pictures soon.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Occupy Minnesota

Occupy Minnesota from Spilt Magazine on Vimeo.
This is a short video clip made by a guy from my school named Luke Muyskens. He's also the producer of spilt magazine. Let me know if you want to know where to get a copy :)

Friday, January 13, 2012

Blogging Live!

Caroline and I are working on restoring some beautiful paper. We thought we'd share! Let us know what you think :)