“It was a pleasant cafe, warm and clean and friendly, and I hung up my old water-proof on the coat rack to dry and put my worn and weathered felt hat on the rack above the bench and ordered a cafe au lait. The waiter brought it and I took out a notebook from the pocket of the coat and a pencil and started to write"

~Ernest Hemingway~

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Breathe Out

I just found this short little blog post on inspiration... I think it's right! Even though it takes some effort to get started on a project, it's necessary to create things yourself to keep the creative process moving, and you learn more by doing things.

..so this means I (we) have to actually DO something with those inspiring fabric finds!


  1. Good point :-) I can't wait until you come into town? How about that workshop? You should give me a call at some point and we can discuss it!

  2. I appreciate this article immensely. I think I need to exhale, and soon! ;P
